Trio Piccorgan was born as a musical project to promote and raise awareness of the baroque works of the 17th and 18th centuries. Created in 2020, it is formed by the trumpeters Miguel Conde and Diego García together with the organist Daniel Cardiel.
Its development over the years has led Trio Piccorgan to cover all kinds of repertoire, even working directly with composers of the 21st century. The musical restlessness of this group is nourished by all musical periods, performing the highest quality works of each era.
With a musical range spanning from the 16th century to the present day, Trio Piccorgan's personal signature is based on the concept of continually stimulating the listener, immersing him or her in a unifying architecture of diverse and contrasting works that do not let the listener's attention wander.
This repertoire ranges from original concertos for two trumpets and orchestra to transcriptions and arrangements that bring out the best of this organ and two-trumpet ensemble. Thanks to these arrangements, which are made with a palpable musical rigour combined with accurate historical and musicological criteria, Trio Piccorgan proposes other kinds of sonorities and colours, being able to bring to the public pieces in a totally new way.
Witness to this format have been festivals such as the Internationales Düsseldorfer Orgelfestival (IDO), Ciclo Internacional de Órgano de Torreciudad, Orgelstadt Stralsund Konzerte, Münsterscher Orgelsommer, York Organ Concerts, Ciclo de Música en la Catedral de Astorga, Bürener Kantorei Konzerte in Büren, Festival Abierto de Música de Órgano de León (FAMOL), Festliches Silvesterkonzert Stadtkirche Murrhardt (Stuttgart), Ciclo de Órgano de Cabra (Córdoba), Ciclo Internacional de Órgano 'Diócesis de Asidonia-Jerez', Festival Internacional de Órgano Barroco de las Merindades, Ciclo de Conciertos de Órgano Correa de Arauxo, Invierno Organístico en Valdejalón, Conciertos Didácticos en la Mancomunidad Tierras de Medina.
In turn, Trio Piccorgan has had the opportunity to play in emblematic places such as the Cathedral of Salamanca, Sant Vicenç Sarrià in Barcelona, St. Lurentiuskerk in Alkmaar (The Netherlands), Church of San Felipe Neri in Valladolid, 'La Fuencisla' in Segovia and Basilica of Santa María de Uribarri in Durango (Basque Country) in addition to a great variety of towns and auditoriums in the Spanish geography.
They have been interviewed in several television and radio media and have been awarded with great reviews by authors of the relevance of Paulino Toribio in the virtual magazine-vlog DicES Cultura or J. M. Morate in the newspaper ‘El Norte de Castilla'. It is worth mentioning his mention in one of the most important music magazines in Spain, Ritmo magazine.
Trio Piccorgan has several projects programmed in the Osterjubel in Blech at the Marienstatter Abbey and Neujahrkonzerte in Schleswiger Dom or Cathedral of León among others.